ESU Spelling Bee Competition Results

We are very proud to announce that our school had an outstanding participation in the national Spelling Bee competition organized by the English Speaking Union (ESU). It was the first time our school participated in this event, in which more than 80 students from 25 different schools were involved. Some of these were: Saint George School, The Mayflower School, Lincoln International School, Colegio Cumbres, Colegio Pedro de Valdivia, among others.

Our students’ performance was exceptional and these were the results:

  • 1st Place in 4th Grade: Ariadna Daza (4th D) 
  • 1st Place in 5th Grade: Alfonso Astorga (5th B) 
  • 2nd Place in 7th Grade:  María José Figueroa (7th C)
  • Semifinalist in 6th Grade: Antonia González (6th D) 

Congratulations to all of these incredible students!
We are extremely proud of their performance and the well-deserved recognition that our school was given in this event. 

Last but not least, thanks to all of the English teachers who through their hard work and dedication help our students get to this outstanding level.