Interview with our student Constanza Gálvez: Awarded first place in the Essay Contest of University of Idaho

In April, our student Constanza Gálvez was awarded first place in the University of Idaho Essay Contest, which focused on the political life of women in the city. The prize included a scholarship to study at the university, plane tickets to travel there, and a Chromebook as a symbol of her hard work and dedication.

We had the chance to talk to her about this incredible experience. Don’t miss what Constanza has to say about it!

Why did you decide to participate in the contest, and what motivated you to write about the political adjustments made in Idaho in favor of gender equality?

Since I was in 7th grade, my goal for this period of my life has been to study abroad and, to be more specific, to get my bachelor’s degree from a college in the United States of America. 

I am going to be honest, never in a million years, I believed that I could win this contest. I consider myself an expert when it comes to underestimating myself. That is why my first thoughts were not directed to the prizes that were offered by the University of Idaho. Instead, I focused on how this contest could be an amazing opportunity for me to learn and experience how to write meaningful essays. 

By writing this essay and submitting it, I was just climbing another step of the long set of stairs I would eventually have to climb to reach my final goal. I never imagined that the topic I chose for the essay and the meeting I had regarding my grades and extracurricular activities could ensure me first place and change the circumstances completely. In the end, instead of climbing one step, I climbed a great portion of them. 

For the theme of the essay, you could decide out of 4 categories. The History, the culture, the tourism, or the science and technology developed in the state of Idaho. I selected the History of Idaho, and I was going to focus on how inequality was battled in the political and civil grounds. Although, I gave it a little twist. In place of the “History” of equality in Idaho, I wrote about the “Herstory” of equality in Idaho, which is rather pointed towards the adjustments made in favor of gender equality in the state from a female perspective.  

My motivation to pick the topic of equality was mainly my gender. I am a woman, and I am conscious about the large inequality my female ancestors endured in the past, in addition to the gender inequality that I have gone through myself. However, this has drastically decreased thanks to many political changes that have been made up to today’s modern world.

Having won first place has awarded you a scholarship to study at the University of Idaho. How do you feel about that, and what do you plan to study there?

When the organizers of the contest e-mailed me to explain that I was pre-selected to receive the “Invitation to Idaho scholarship” and the “Special Idaho scholarship”, I was ecstatic. Therefore, when I attended the ceremony and was awarded first place of the Idaho essay contest, everything felt surreal. 

And adding to the unreal experience, the presenters stated that I had not only won thanks to my essay, but also because of my high grades and well-rounded list of extracurricular activities, to which, at the moment, I had recently added the title of Secretary of the Student Council. That is one of the main reasons why I appreciate the application process of the United States. They do not see me as a grade or score, but as a person that reflects her value throughout her actions and decisions.

Regarding decisions, I am yet to make mine. I am not completely sure what I want to study. What I am certain of is that I will stick to humanities. Numbers and science experiments are not my strongest suit. 

For now, I am leaning towards a career in politics but if I am still unsure when the time to apply comes around, starting my first year of college as “undecided” is a reliable option. Majoring as undecided gives me the liberty of one more year to decide what I want to pursue in life inside the college environment. A path that many colleges in the United States offer. 

How do you think your experience at school has helped you achieve this great goal?

Throughout my school years I have collected many opportunities and tools that, without them, even starting the essay would have been impossible. Firstly, English. The whole essay had to be written in English, and the base that the school gave me, which I have polished over the years, served splendidly when I sat at my desk and started writing and investigating. Well, and not only English but other techniques that can be used to investigate and learn about any subject. Secondly, the variety of activities in which I participated where I learned different visions of the world, such as, “Fin de semanas solidarios” or “Trabajo de presupuesto de I° Medios”. Finally, the community that I had at my disposal every time I needed help was there whenever I had to face either academic or personal matters. 

So, thank you “comunidad andreina” for all the support. 

The opportunities are served, you just have to take them.