Andrée English School

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ESU Dualogue Competition 2024

This year, and for the first time, our students from 1st and 2nd form participated in the Dualogue Competition from the ESU. Pascale Gómez and Isidora Valladares from 1st form and Julieta Moreno and Magdalena Rodríguez from 2nd form were the students selected to participate in the first round of the virtual competition.

We would like to congratulate Julieta and Magdalena for their effort and enthusiasm during this first stage of the competition and also to Pascale and Isidora who made it to the in-person semifinals at Colegio del Verbo Divino last Friday.

Your performance in this competition was brilliant and you shone on stage. Last, but not least, thank you to their families, who were supporting them all the way. Congrats to you all!